viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Visible and Extended Near-Infrared Multispectral Imaging for Skin Cancer Diagnosis


With the goal of diagnosing skin cancer in an early and noninvasive way, an extended near infrared multispectral imaging system based on an InGaAs sensor with sensitivity from 995 nm to 1613 nm was built to evaluate deeper skin layers thanks to the higher penetration of photons at these wavelengths. The outcomes of this device were combined with those of a previously developed multispectral system that works in the visible and near infrared range (414 nm–995 nm). Both provide spectral and spatial information from skin lesions. A classification method to discriminate between melanomas and nevi was developed based on the analysis of first-order statistics descriptors, principal component analysis, and support vector machine tools. The system provided a sensitivity of 78.6% and a specificity of 84.6%, the latter one being improved with respect to that offered by silicon sensors.
Keywords: InGaAs camera, multispectral imaging, infrared, skin cancer, melanoma

#spuig #jmalvehy #skincancer #ingaas #dermoscopy #skinmelanoma #carcinoma #stopmelanoma

jueves, 19 de julio de 2018

Genome-wide linkage analysis in Spanish melanoma-prone families identifies a new familial melanoma susceptibility locus at 11q

The main genetic factors for familial melanoma remain unknown in >75% of families. CDKN2A is mutated in around 20% of melanoma-prone families. Other high-risk melanoma susceptibility genes explain <3% of families studied to date. We performed the first genome-wide linkage analysis in CDKN2A-negative Spanish melanoma-prone families to identify novel melanoma susceptibility loci. We included 68 individuals from 2, 3, and 6 families with 2, 3, and at least 4 melanoma cases. We detected a locus with significant linkage evidence at 11q14.1-q14.3, with a maximum het-TLOD of 3.449 (rs12285365:A>G), using evidence from multiple pedigrees. The genes contained by the subregion with the strongest linkage evidence were: DLG2, PRSS23, FZD4, and TMEM135. We also detected several regions with suggestive linkage evidence (TLOD >1.9) (1q, 6p, 7p, 11q, 12p, 13q) including the region previously detected in melanoma-prone families from Sweden at 3q29. The family-specific analysis revealed three loci with suggestive linkage evidence for family #1: 1q31.1-q32.1 (max. TLOD 2.447), 6p24.3-p22.3 (max. TLOD 2.409), and 11q13.3-q21 (max. TLOD 2.654). Future next-generation sequencing studies of these regions may allow the identification of new melanoma susceptibility genetic factors.

#acralmelanoma  #melanoma  #susanapuig #josepmalvehy #cristinacarrera #skincancer #paulaaguilera  #thegooddoctor #topdoctors #familialmelanoma #cdkn2a #skincancer #skinmelanoma  

jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

La ciencia de la salud - En tu propia piel (TVE La2)

Entrevista Dra Susana Puig

Es el órgano más grande y más visible del cuerpo humano, pero a menudo pasa desapercibido. Siempre sensible, la piel nos protege del mundo que nos rodea. Es el momento de empezar a protegerla a ella

#susanapuig #diagnosisdermatologica #cedilp #melanoma #carcinoma #hospitalclinic #cancerpiel #cancerdepiel #deteccioncancerdepiel #tratamientocancerdepiel #microscopia #aedv #topdoctors #fotoproteccionsolar #rayosuva #fotoenvejecimiento #cremassolares #entupropiapiel #protegerlapieldelsol #elsolylapiel #dermatólogo #dermatóloga

martes, 3 de julio de 2018

Diagnosis Dermatologica Clinic, skin cancer experts

Diagnosis Dermatologica Clinic,

Diagnosis Dermatologica is a pioneer center worldwide in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.
Its professionals are experts with recognized international prestige in skin cancer and melanoma and are under the medical direction of the Dr. Susana Puig Sardá and Dr. Josep Malvehy Guilera, head of dermatology service and coordinator of the melanoma group respectively at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

They are responsible for the introduction and validation of numerous diagnostic techniques, such as the digital monitoring method currently implemented around the world and are authors of more than 400 research articles in the most prestigious international journals.

The medical team is made up of dermatologists who are experts in imaging technology, in dermato-oncology and in dermatological therapeutics, being leaders in these fields at a national and international level. We also have a team of nursing professionals and image technicians specialized in the dermatological patient with extensive experience.

#josepmalvehy #susanapuig #skincancer #confocalexvivo #confocalinvivo #melanoma #carcinoma #cáncerdepiel #cedilp #microscopy #molemax #fotofinder #mavig #caliber #dermatologist #topdoctors

jueves, 14 de junio de 2018

¿Qué es la Dermatitis atópica?

Es un tipo de inflamación cutánea (dermatitis) característicamente localizada en ciertas áreas de cabeza y cuerpo asociada a picor, que suele presentarse ya desde la infancia o juventud, en personas que tienen ya un tipo de piel más sensible o de condición \!atópica" característicamente seca.

Suele cursar en brotes con mejoría y empeoramientos posibles, según factores algunos agravantes como pueden ser la sequedad cutánea, el frío, el estrés, el... uso de productos químicos o tejidos irritantes, el rascado y sobreinfección de la piel.

No es contagiosa aunque a menudo el tratamiento incluye algún antibiótico por infecciones intercurrentes, tampoco es hereditaria, pero en ciertas ocasiones las familias pueden heredar la condición "atópica" o de piel seca y más sensible, así como la tendencia al asma o rinitis alérgica

Precisa una adecuada valoración individualizada a cada caso, para poder tratar tanto los brotes como la prevención de los mismos

#dermatitisatopica #eczema #dermatitis #diagnosisdermatologica #tratamientodermatitisatopica

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

Cáncer de piel: Diagnóstico del cáncer

Cáncer de piel: Diagnóstico del cáncer durante la operación: la última técnica para extirpar el tumor al 100%
 Publicación en la Vanguardia 13 de junio 2018. Dia del cáncer de piel 
 #cancerdepiel #euromelanoma2018 #susanapuig #josepmalvehy #diagnosisdermatologica #dermatologiabarcelona #centrodermatologico #dermatologobarcelona #dermatologabarcelona #tratamientocancerdepiel #diagnosticocancerdepiel #confocalexvivo #mavig