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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta josepmalvehy. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

Como aplicar las cremas de fotoproteccion solar

Modo de Empleo
  Aplicar antes de toda exposición solar en todas las zonas descubiertas de la piel. Rec 15/20' antes
·         Para obtener el nivel de protección indicado, aplicar el producto en cantidad suficiente como señalan los esquemas:
1 dedo para la zona 1
2 dedos para cada una de las zonas 2 a 11

Atención: si reduce esta dosis disminuirá el nivel de protección.
Spray: por ejemplo 6 pulverizaciones de media sobre el antebrazo de un adulto (3-4 para un niño)
Sticks (especialmente indicado en cicatrices): realizar 7 pasadas sobre la zona a proteger

Consejos para protegerse del sol con total seguridad
1.    Aplíquese el protector solar antes de la exposición al sol y renueve frecuentemente su aplicación, aproximadamente cada dos horas y sobre todo después de cada baño.
2.     Expóngase progresivamente al sol y evite la exposición solar entre las 12h. y las 16h.
3.     No exponga a insolación directa a los niños menores de 5 años.
4.     No olvide que también puede quemarse realizando cualquier actividad al aire libre: montando en bicicleta, paseando, realizando deporte, en el jardín… En todas estas ocasiones aplíquese un fotoprotector. +50
5.     No se fíe de las circunstancias que comportan un riesgo suplementario o una falsa seguridad: altitud, nubosidad, superficies reflectoras (nieve, arena, hierba, agua), viento fresco.
6.     6..     Protéjase con gorra y gafas de sol con cristales homologados capaces de filtrar los rayos UVA y UVB.
C    7. Comprobar si está medicándose que los medicamentos no sean fotosensibilizantes, pues pueden provocarle quemaduras.
8.     Evitar usar colonias con alcohol pues pueden producir manchas.
9.     Beba agua en abundancia y frecuentemente. El sol deshidrata nuestro organismo. Vigile sobre todo a las personas mayores, cuya sensación de sed está atenuada y a los niños, cuya necesidad de agua es importante y sus centros de termoregulación son todavía inmaduros.
10.   Si advierte que una peca o lunar cambia de forma, tamaño o color consulte a su dermatólogo.

#dermatologobarcelona #dermatologabarcelona #fotoproteccion #rayosuva #centrodermatologico #diagnosisdermatologica #melanoma #proteccionsolar #cremasfotoproteccion #centrodermatologico #clinicadermatologica #dermatologiabarcelona #cremasolar

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018


Según un informe de la mutua laboral MAZ, diagnostican casi 100mil casos de #dermatosis
Las dermatosis son las enfermedades que afectan a la piel y sus anexos que incluyen el cabello y las uñas. Cuando esta afección es de tipo inflamatorio o infeccioso se emplea entonces el término dermatitis.
La dermatitis es un término general que describe una inflamación de la piel. La dermatitis puede tener distintas causas y manifestarse de muchas formas. Generalmente, produce una erupción con comezón sobre la piel enrojecida e inflamada.
La piel afectada por la dermatitis puede formar ampollas, supurar, formar una costra o descamarse. Ejemplos de dermatitis incluyen la dermatitis atópica (eccema), la caspa y las erupciones cutáneas provocadas por el contacto con distintas sustancias, como la hiedra venenosa, los jabones y las joyas con níquel.
La dermatitis es una afección frecuente que no es contagiosa, pero puede hacerte sentir incómodo y cohibido. Una combinación de pasos de autocuidado y medicamentos puede ayudarte a tratar la dermatitis.
Acuda al dermatólogo/a para tratar la dermatitis

#dermatologa #centrodermatologico #dermatologia #dermatologobarcelona #dermatologabarcelona #centrodermatologico #dermatitis #melanoma #cancerdepiel

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

AURKA Overexpression Is Driven by FOXM1 and MAPK/ERK Activation in Melanoma Cells Harboring BRAF or NRAS Mutations: Impact on Melanoma Prognosis and Therapy

AURKA Overexpression Is Driven by FOXM1 and MAPK/ERK Activation in Melanoma Cells Harboring BRAF or NRAS Mutations: Impact on Melanoma Prognosis and Therapy


The cell cycle-related genes AURKA and FOXM1 are overexpressed in melanoma. We show here that AURKA overexpression is associated with poor prognosis in three independent cohorts of melanoma patients and correlates with the presence of genomic amplification of AURKA locus and BRAFV600E mutation. AURKA overexpression may also be driven by increased promoter activation through elements such as ETS and FOXM1 found within the 5' proximal promoter region. Activated MAPK/ERK signaling pathway mediates robust AURKA promoter activation, thereby knockdown of BRAFV600E and ERK inhibition results in reduced AURKA transcription and expression. We show a positive correlation between FOXM1 and AURKA expression in three independent cohorts of melanoma patients. FOXM1 silencing decreases expression of AURKA and late cell cycle genes in melanoma cells. We further found that FOXM1 expression levels are significantly higher in tumors carrying the BRAFV600E mutation compared with the wild-type BRAF (BRAFwt). Accordingly, the knockdown of BRAFV600E also reduces the expression of FOXM1 in BRAFV600E cells. Moreover, Aurora kinase A and FOXM1 inhibition by either genetic knockdown or pharmacologic inhibitors impair melanoma growth and survival both in culture and in vivo, underscoring their therapeutic value for melanoma patients who fail to benefit from BRAF/MEK signaling inhibition.

#mutationsmelanoma #melanoma #malvehy #josepmalvehy #skincancer #aurka #braf

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Prognostic role of the histological subtype of melanoma on the hands and feet in Caucasians.


Prognostic role of the histological subtype of melanoma on the hands and feet in Caucasians.

Acral melanoma (AM) is associated with a poor prognosis in part because of delayed diagnosis, but probably also because of other intrinsic characteristics of location. The aim of this study was to review the specific characteristics and outcome of AM in Caucasians.

This was a cross-sectional retrospective clinical-pathological study of 274 patients identified with AM in the database of a referral unit in Europe from 1986 to 2010. The mean age of the patients was 56.6 (SD 17.7) years. 269 cases could be histologically classified and included in the study. In all, 222 (82.5%) were located on feet.

According to melanoma subtype, 165 (61.3%) were acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM), 84 (31.2%) were superficial spreading melanoma (SSM), and 20 (7.5%) were nodular melanoma (NM). SSM patients were characterized by female predominance (77.4%), younger age, and classic melanoma-risk phenotype (fair skin and multiple nevi). Among the 198 invasive cases with a mean follow-up of 56.2 months, the mean (SD) Breslow's thickness was 3.1 (3.6) mm, being 1.4 (1.4) mm in SSM, 3.5 (4.1) mm in ALM and 4.9 (2.9) mm in NM (P<0.001). Ulceration was present in 33.3%, 2.9% in SSM, 38.6% in ALM, and 76.9% in NM (P<0.001). A total of 29.3% relapsed (7.3% of SSM, 35% of ALM and 55% of NM) and 24.2% died because of AM.

In multivariate analysis, age at diagnosis, Breslow, and histopathological subtype were independent prognostic factors for both disease-free and AM-specific survival. The ALM and NM subtypes presented poorer outcome after weighting Breslow and age (P=0.02). Histological subtype of AM could have an impact on biological behavior, ALM and NM subtypes presenting a poorer prognosis after adjusting for age and Breslow's thickness.

#cristinacarrera #josepmalvehy #susanapuig #breslow #melanoma #skincancer #breslowthickness #carcinoma #acrallentiginousmelanoma #alm #melanomacaucasians #acralmelanoma #melanomarisk

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

Patterns of distribution of giant congenital melanocytic nevi (GCMN): The 6B rule.

Patterns of distribution of giant congenital melanocytic nevi (GCMN): The 6B rule.


Garment-related terms have been used to describe the pattern of distribution of giant congenital melanocytic nevi (GCMN).


We sought to describe patterns of distribution of GCMN and propose a classification scheme.


Photographic records of patients with GCMN from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona were analyzed and a classification based on observed GCMN distribution patterns was created. The classification was independently applied by 8 observers to cases found in the literature. The interobserver agreement was assessed.


Among 22 patients we observed 6 repeatable patterns of distribution of GCMN, which we termed the "6B": bolero (involving the upper aspect of the back, including the neck), back (on the back, without involvement of the buttocks or shoulders), bathing trunk (involving the genital region and buttocks), breast/belly (isolated to the chest or abdomen without involvement of bolero or bathing trunk distributions), body extremity (isolated to extremity), and body (both bolero and bathing trunk involvement). Our literature search found 113 cases of GCMN, which we were able to classify into 1 of the 6B patterns with an overall kappa of 0.89.


Some patterns occur infrequently with a dearth of images available for analysis.


The anatomic distribution of GCMN occurs in 6 recognizable and repeatable patterns.


#josepmalvehy #susanapuig #congenitalmelanocytic

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Application of in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and ex vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) in most common subtypes of Basal Cell Carcinoma and correlation with histopathology


Application of in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and ex vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) in most common subtypes of Basal Cell Carcinoma and correlation with histopathology.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) accounts for 80% of non-melanoma skin cancer. The identification of the histological subtype is crucial for the correct management of the tumor. In vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is a novel technique that has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity in the in vivo diagnosis of BCC. In an effort to determine reliable criteria for preoperative diagnosis of BCC subtypes, Longo et al. and Peppelman et al., described RCM criteria present in different BCC subtypes.

#josepmalvehy #susanapuig #tonibennassar #melanoma #confocalinvivo #confocal #confocalmicroscopy #microscopiaconfocal #carcinoma #bcc #carcinomas #squamouscellcarcinomas #carcinomabasocelular #DiagnosisDermatologica #topdoctors #dermatologiabarcelona #aad18

Ultrasound-based follow-up does not increase survival in early-stage melanoma patients: A comparative cohort study


Ultrasound-based follow-up does not increase survival in early-stage melanoma patients: A comparative cohort study


Different protocols have been used to follow up melanoma patients in stage I-II. However, there is no consensus on the complementary tests that should be requested or the appropriate intervals between visits. Our aim is to compare an ultrasound-based follow-up with a clinical follow-up.


Analysis of two prospectively collected cohorts of melanoma patients in stage IB-IIA from two tertiary referral centres in Barcelona (clinical-based follow-up [C-FU]) and Turin (ultrasound-based follow-up [US-FU]). Kaplan-Meier curves were used to evaluate distant metastases-free survival (DMFS), disease-free interval (DFI), nodal metastases-free survival (NMFS) and melanoma-specific survival (MSS).


A total of 1149 patients in the American Joint Committee on Cancer stage IB and IIA were included in this study, of which 554 subjects (48%) were enrolled for a C-FU, and 595 patients (52%) received a protocolised US-FU. The median age was 53.8 years (interquartile range [IQR] 41.5-65.2) with a median follow-up time of 4.14 years (IQR 1.2-7.6). During follow-up, 69 patients (12.5%) in C-FU and 72 patients (12.1%) in US-FU developed disease progression. Median time to relapse for the first metastatic site was 2.11 years (IQR 1.14-4.04) for skin metastases, 1.32 (IQR 0.57-3.29) for lymph node metastases and 2.84 (IQR 1.32-4.60) for distant metastases. The pattern of progression and the total proportion of metastases were not significantly different (P = .44) in the two centres. No difference in DFI, DMFS, NMFS and MSS was found between the two cohorts.


Ultrasound-based follow-up does not increase the survival of melanoma patients in stage IB-IIA.

#melanoma #josepmalvehy #malvehy   #americanjointcommitteeoncancer #metastases, #susanapuig #aliciabarreiro  #cristinacarrera #skincancer #dermatologiabarcelona #dermatologobarcelona #centrodermatologico #dermatologicalcenter #topdoctors #aad18

martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

A proposed scoring system for assessing the severity of actinic keratosis on the head: actinic keratosis area and severity index


A proposed scoring system for assessing the severity of actinic keratosis on the head: actinic keratosis area and severity index


Actinic keratosis (AK) severity is currently evaluated by subjective assessment of patients.


To develop and perform an initial pilot validation of a new easy-to-use quantitative tool for assessing AK severity on the head.


The actinic keratosis area and severity index (AKASI) for the head was developed based on a review of other severity scoring systems in dermatology, in particular the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). Initial validation was performed by 13 physicians assessing AK severity in 18 AK patients and two controls using a physician global assessment (PGA) and AKASI. To determine an AKASI score, the head was divided into four regions (scalp, forehead, left/right cheek ear, chin and nose). In each region, the percentage of the area affected by AKs was estimated, and the severities of three clinical signs of AK were assessed: distribution, erythema and thickness.


There was a strong correlation between AKASI and PGA scores (Pearson correlation coefficient: 0.86). AKASI was able to discriminate between different PGA categories: mean (SD) AKASI increased from 2.88 (1.18) for 'light' to 5.33 (1.48) for 'moderate', 8.28 (1.89) for 'severe', and 8.73 (3.03) for 'very severe' PGA classification. The coefficient of variation for AKASI scores was low and relatively constant across all PGA categories.


Actinic keratosis area and severity index is proposed as a new quantitative tool for assessing AK severity on the head. It may be useful in the future evaluation of new AK treatments in clinical studies and the management of AK in daily practice.

#josepmalvehy #erythema #psoriasis #dermatoscopy #dermatology #dermatologiabarcelona #dermatologobarcelona #doctormalvehy #cedilp

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Dermoscopic Clues for Diagnosing Melanomas That Resemble Seborrheic Keratosis.




Melanomas that clinically mimic seborrheic keratosis (SK) can delay diagnosis and adequate treatment. However, little is known about the value of dermoscopy in recognizing these difficult-to-diagnose melanomas.


To describe the dermoscopic features of SK-like melanomas to understand their clinical morphology.

Design, Setting, and Participants:

This observational retrospective study used 134 clinical and dermoscopic images of histopathologically proven melanomas in 134 patients treated in 9 skin cancer centers in Spain, France, Italy, and Austria. Without knowledge that the definite diagnosis for all the lesions was melanoma, 2 dermoscopy-trained observers evaluated the clinical descriptions and 48 dermoscopic features (including all melanocytic and nonmelanocytic criteria) of all 134 images and classified each dermoscopically as SK or not SK. The total dermoscopy score and the 7-point checklist score were assessed. Images of the lesions and patient data were collected from July 15, 2013, through July 31, 2014.

Main Outcomes and Measures:

Frequencies of specific morphologic patterns of (clinically and dermoscopically) SK-like melanomas, patient demographics, and interobserver agreement of criteria were evaluated.


Of the 134 cases collected from 72 men and 61 women, all of whom were white and who had a mean (SD) age of 55.6 (17.5) years, 110 (82.1%) revealed dermoscopic features suggestive of melanoma, including pigment network (74 [55.2%]), blue-white veil (72 [53.7%]), globules and dots (68 [50.7%]), pseudopods or streaks (47 [35.1%]), and blue-black sign (43 [32.3%]). The remaining 24 cases (17.9%) were considered likely SKs, even by dermoscopy. Overall, lesions showed a scaly and hyperkeratotic surface (45 [33.6%]), yellowish keratin (42 [31.3%]), comedo-like openings (41 [30.5%]), and milia-like cysts (30 [22.4%]). The entire sample achieved a mean (SD) total dermoscopy score of 4.7 (1.6) and a 7-point checklist score of 4.4 (2.3), while dermoscopically SK-like melanomas achieved a total dermoscopy score of only 4.2 (1.3) and a 7-point checklist score of 2.0 (1.9), both in the range of benignity. The most helpful criteria in correctly diagnosing SK-like melanomas were the presence of blue-white veil, pseudopods or streaks, and pigment network. Multivariate analysis found only the blue-black sign to be significantly associated with a correct diagnosis, while hyperkeratosis and fissures and ridges were independent risk markers of dermoscopically SK-like melanomas.

Conclusions and Relevance:

Seborrheic keratosis-like melanomas can be dermoscopically challenging, but the presence of the blue-black sign, pigment network, pseudopods or streaks, and/or blue-white veil, despite the presence of other SK features, allows the correct diagnosis of most of the difficult melanoma cases.

#josepmalvehy  #aliciabarreiro  #aliciabarreiro #susanapuig #paulaaguilera #cristinacarrera, #cutaneousmelanoma #diagnosisofmelanoma #dermoscopic #seborrheickeratosis #keratosis, #dermoscopy #skincancer

martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

Transforming Dermatologic Imaging for the Digital Era: Metadata and Standards.


Imaging is increasingly being used in dermatology for documentation, diagnosis, and management of cutaneous disease. The lack of standards for dermatologic imaging is an impediment to clinical uptake. Standardization can occur in image acquisition, terminology, interoperability, and metadata. This paper presents the International Skin Imaging Collaboration position on standardization of metadata for dermatologic imaging. Metadata is essential to ensure that dermatologic images are properly managed and interpreted. There are two standards-based approaches to recording and storing metadata in dermatologic imaging. The first uses standard consumer image file formats, and the second is the file format and metadata model developed for the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard. DICOM would appear to provide an advantage over using consumer image file formats for metadata as it includes all the patient, study, and technical metadata necessary to use images clinically. Whereas, consumer image file formats only include technical metadata and need to be used in conjunction with another actor-for example, an electronic medical record-to supply the patient and study metadata. The use of DICOM may have some ancillary benefits in dermatologic imaging including leveraging DICOM network and workflow services, interoperability of images and metadata, leveraging existing enterprise imaging infrastructure, greater patient safety, and better compliance to legislative requirements for image retention.

#josepmalvehy #skinimaging #dermoscopic #dermatologic #teledermatology #dicom


jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

Dermoscopy versus reflectance confocal microscopy for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna


Dermoscopy versus reflectance confocal microscopy for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna

Several dermoscopic and in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) diagnostic criteria of lentigo maligna (LM)/lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM) have been identified. However, no study compared the diagnostic accuracy of these techniques.


We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy and RCM for LM/LMM using a holistic assessment of the images.


223 facial lesions were evaluated by 21 experts. Diagnostic accuracy of the clinical, dermoscopic and RCM examination were compared. Inter-investigator variability and confidence level in the diagnosis were also evaluated.


Overall diagnostic accuracy of the two imaging techniques was good (area under the curve of the sROC function: 0.89). RCM was more sensitive (80%, versus 61%) and less specific (81% versus 92%) than dermoscopy for LM/LMM. In particular RCM showed a higher sensitivity for hypomelanotic and recurrent LM/LMM. RCM had a higher inter-investigator agreement and a higher confidence level in the diagnosis than dermoscopy.


RCM and dermoscopy are both useful techniques for the diagnosis of facial lesions and in particular LM/LMM. RCM is particularly suitable for the identification of hypomelanotic and recurrent LM/LMM. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

#confocal #cristinacarrera #josepmalvehy #susanapuig #skincancer #invivo #confocalinvivo #cutaneousmelanoma #lentigo #reflactanceconfocal #cedilp #pubmed #microscopy


lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

Response to "Phase IV head-to-head randomised controlled trial comparing ingenol mebutate 0.015% gel with diclofenac sodium 3% gel for the treatment of actinic keratosis on the face or scalp".


We read with attention the recent paper by Stockfleth et al1 on the efficacy and safety of Ingenol Mebutate 0.015% gel (IngMb) vs. diclofenac sodium 3% gel (DS) for the treatment of actinic keratosis (AK). Regarding this interesting study, we would like to address some comments to the authors.In this study, the primary endpoint was complete clearance of AKs (AKCLEAR100) at end of first treatment course (Week8, IngMeb; Week17, DS).
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

#susanapuig #josepmalvehy #queratosis #akclear100 #treatmentactinickeratosis #actinickeratosis #keratosis #queratosis #tratamientoqueratosisactinica

jueves, 25 de enero de 2018

Improving diagnostic sensitivity of combined dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy imaging through double reader concordance evaluation in telemedicine settings: A retrospective study of 1000 equivocal cases


Improving diagnostic sensitivity of combined dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy imaging through double reader concordance evaluation in telemedicine settings: A retrospective study of 1000 equivocal cases



Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is an imaging device that permits non-invasive visualization of cellular morphology and has been shown to improve diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopically equivocal cutaneous lesions. The application of double reader concordance evaluation of dermoscopy-RCM image sets in retrospective settings and its potential application to telemedicine evaluation has not been tested in a large study population.


To improve diagnostic sensitivity of RCM image diagnosis using a double reader concordance evaluation approach; to reduce mismanagement of equivocal cutaneous lesions in retrospective consultation and telemedicine settings.


1000 combined dermoscopy-RCM image sets were evaluated in blind by 10 readers with advanced training and internship in dermoscopy and RCM evaluation. We compared sensitivity and specificity of single reader evaluation versus double reader concordance evaluation as well as the effect of diagnostic confidence on lesion management in a retrospective setting.


Single reader evaluation resulted in an overall sensitivity of 95.2% and specificity of 76.3%, with misdiagnosis of 8 melanomas, 4 basal cell carcinomas and 2 squamous cell carcinomas. Combined double reader evaluation resulted in an overall sensitivity of 98.3% and specificity of 65.5%, with misdiagnosis of 1 in-situ melanoma and 2 basal cell carcinomas.


Evaluation of dermoscopy-RCM image sets of cutaneous lesions by single reader evaluation in retrospective settings is limited by sensitivity levels that may result in potential mismanagement of malignant lesions. Double reader blind concordance evaluation may improve the sensitivity of diagnosis and management safety. The use of a second check can be implemented in telemedicine settings where expert consultation and second opinions may be required.

#josepmalvehy  #carcinomabasocelular  #dermatoscopy #confocal #cancerdepiel #confocalinvivo, #microscopy #cutaneousmelanoma #squamouscellcarcinomas #carcinomas  #melanomas #reflectanceconfocal #telemedicine

lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Sentinel lymph node biopsy versus observation in thick melanoma: A multicenter propensity score matching study.

Sentinel lymph node biopsy versus observation in thick melanoma: A multicenter propensity score matching study.


The clinical value of sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy in thick melanoma patients (Breslow >4 mm) has not been sufficiently studied. The aim of the study is to evaluate whether SLN biopsy increases survival in patients with thick cutaneous melanoma, and, as a secondary objective, to investigate correlations between survival and lymph node status. We included 1,211 consecutive patients with thick melanomas (>4 mm) registered in the participating hospitals' melanoma databases between 1997 and 2015. Median follow-up was 40 months. Of these patients, 752 were matched into pairs by propensity scores based on sex, age, tumor location, histologic features of melanoma, year of diagnosis, hospital and adjuvant interferon therapy. The SLN biopsy vs. observation was associated with better DFS [adjusted hazard ratio (AHR), 0.74; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.61-0.90); p = 0.002] and OS (AHR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.60-0.94; p = 0.013) but not MSS (AHR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.65-1.08; p = 0.165). SLN-negative patients had better 5- and 10-year MSS compared with SLN-positive patients (65.4 vs. 51.9% and 48.3 vs. 38.8%; p = 0.01, respectively). As a conclusion, SLN biopsy was associated with better DFS but not MSS in thick melanoma patients after adjustment for classic prognostic factors. SLN biopsy is useful for stratifying these patients into different prognostic groups.

#melanoma #josepmalvehy #susanapuig #Mohs #dermoscopy #sentinellymphnode #skincancer #topdoctors #dermatologiabarcelona #cutaneousbarcelona #diagnosisdermatologica

Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) polymorphisms' influence on size and dermoscopic features of nevi.

Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) polymorphisms' influence on size and dermoscopic features of nevi.

The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) is a highly polymorphic gene. The loss-of-function MC1R variants ("R") have been strongly associated with red hair color phenotype and an increased melanoma risk. We sequenced the MC1R gene in 175 healthy individuals to assess the influence of MC1R on nevus phenotype. We identified that MC1R variant carriers had larger nevi both on the back [p-value = .016, adjusted for multiple parameters (adj. p-value)] and on the upper limbs (adj. p-value = .007). Specifically, we identified a positive association between the "R" MC1R variants and visible vessels in nevi [p-value = .033, corrected using the FDR method for multiple comparisons (corrected p-value)], dots and globules in nevi (corrected p-value = .033), nevi with eccentric hyperpigmentation (corrected p-value = .033), a high degree of freckling (adj. p-value = .019), and an associative trend with presence of blue nevi (corrected p-value = .120). In conclusion, the MC1R gene appears to influence the nevus phenotype.

#melanocortin #josepmalvehy #susanapuig #dermoscopic #confocal #Mohs #dermatology #topdoctors #mc1r #melanoma #skincancer #dermatologiabarcelona #clinicadermatologica #cedilp